Augustus Caesar was the first true emperor of Rome after the assassination of his uncle and stepfather Julius Caesar. This statue of him is made out of marble. This statue was likely made when Augustus Caesar was older, however it depicts him as a young man. In this statue Caesar is wearing his statue in a peculiar fashion, it is draped over his head. This likely serves two purposes. One is to show respect to the gods likely for a military triumph. The other purpose is to show the Roman people that he has a reverence for the Gods and would thus be a good leader for the people. Another feature of this statue is a stern expression on Augustus' face. This
15 chapters
16 Apr 2020
January 19, 2017
Rome Italy
Augustus Caesar was the first true emperor of Rome after the assassination of his uncle and stepfather Julius Caesar. This statue of him is made out of marble. This statue was likely made when Augustus Caesar was older, however it depicts him as a young man. In this statue Caesar is wearing his statue in a peculiar fashion, it is draped over his head. This likely serves two purposes. One is to show respect to the gods likely for a military triumph. The other purpose is to show the Roman people that he has a reverence for the Gods and would thus be a good leader for the people. Another feature of this statue is a stern expression on Augustus' face. This
feature is also for the Roman people. The ideal roman man was stern and serious, thus depicting himself as stern and serious would help him win favor with his people.
The Greek Boxer
Roman Sarcophagus
The Pantheon
Statue of Augustus Caesar
The Arch of Constantine
The Pieta
The School of Athens
The Sistine Chapel
Bernini's David
Caravaggio Madonna and Child
St. Peters Bisilica
Michelangelo's David
Botticelli's Primavera
Altare della Patria
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