Taveuni Island

Fiji, 10.16.2023

Crossing Somosomo Strait we stop to snorkel the reef and find the unusual Cabbage Patch.

Taveuni is the 3rd largest island in Fiji and is known as the Garden Island because of its abundant plant life with several species found only here. We anchored at Paradise Resort where we met several other boaters and divers, snorkeled the shoreline reef, and thoroughly enjoyed this little piece and time in paradise. Just have to say, the people in Fiji are the most welcoming and friendly people we have ever met! Bula vinaka!

We hired a driver to take us around the island and stopped at Bouma National Park with pristine rainforest and the Tavoro Waterfalls. We hiked up to 2 of the 3 waterfalls, crossed the river twice along the slippery rocks and took a refreshing dip in the cool fresh water. We also stopped at the Waitavala Water Slide – a natural rock slide made by mother nature (Neumans, you have some competition here!) that you can sit on your bum and slide down the cascading series of small, very rocky waterfalls. Yeah. Right. Didn’t want a sore bum! We hear it is a very popular activity for the local kids. Too bad they are in school today - would have enjoyed watching them!

The International Dateline technically goes thru this spot at 180degrees longitude - where at midnight, to the west the day is ending while to the east the same day is just beginning. One of the few places in the world you can stand with one foot in yesterday and one foot in today. Technically, tho, to keep life simple Fiji has opted to use all the same time & day.

Along our walks we admired the giant tree ferns, papaya trees, many jumping frogs, little blue-tailed skinks and found another cabbage patch - in a wild area at the side of the road growing along with wild tomatoes - and many "new" plants, fruits and flowers. Guess it IS the Garden Island!

Hope you are enjoying some paradise, too.
XO XO Gma & Gpa

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