Fiji Time

Fiji, 10.19.2023

We are sadly coming to the end of our FIJI TIME – No Hurry No Worry is the way of life here.

We have become Rugby fans – Fiji’s national sport. Watching the Rugby World Cup, we have cheered for Wales, Fiji, New Zealand and Australia. Love the constant action and lack of down time – guess there’s no time for commercials, so won’t catch on in the US.

Maybe you heard about the sailboat Raindancer that was sunk by a whale in the South Pacific back in March – and rescued about 10 hours later by a Muskego WI boat Rolling Stones? We met “Moby Rick” and 2 of his crew, Simon and Alana, on his new Raindancer II over drinks at Nawi Island marina. Oh, the places you go…the people you meet…the stories they have!

So glad we have been able to spend almost 2 months here, have friends and family join us, make new friends, and see and do all the things we have done – and yet there is much we have not seen and done. As I often say, “You have to leave something to come back for!” Some day we might just have to do that.

To finish … some final Fiji memories that didn't make the 1st cut.
Gma & Gpa

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