Rome 2017: (19) Danae


The Danae is a cultural landscape representing what the Romans valued through art. It is evident that the Romans viewed the heavens and the earth being directly related. This is evident through the mother being taken care of by a heavenly angel who is looking upward to gain inspiration from above. The mother is looking downward to earth in admiration of her babies. Many scholars believe this depicts the role of the woman. Women were viewed as bearers of children; their job was depicted as givers of life. The coloring of this painting is also significant. The earth looks dark, but the heavens are full of life. This is to depict the reality that the heavens were the giver of light and life. Many scholars believe this painting could portray Mary and the birth of Jesus and his little brother. Although this is debated the main concentration is the use of

light during the baroque period. Also the contrast between the angel, the mother, and the children signify the role and influence of the combination between life and death, light and dark, and good with evil. This painting depicts the cultural landscape of the cultural connection between heaven and earth.

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