Day 11

Tirrenia, 27.09.2018


Today was a pretty boring day with not much to tell.

We were hoping to spend the morning on the beach, swimming in the Mediterranean Sea. But, things are very different in Italia to what we know in New Zealand.

It seems that most beaches (at least the nice ones) are privately owned. There are places where you can pay money to hire a sun

chair and sit in the sand, maybe go for a swim. But, these all seemed to be closed when we went looking. It was a bit of a failure really.

We found a café and tried to figure our what to do next. We decided that we might try doing some laundry. Grandma was concerned that Koro had a lot of washing to do and he might soon run out of clean undies. Silly Grandma! Koro has an enormous stock pile of clean undies, he wasn’t even half way through.

So went went looking and found a laundromat. Which was great, except the instructions were all in Italian. With the use of Google Translate and some trial and error, we figured out we had to buy a token to put into the washing machine, and a token coast €4.50. The token machine accepted coins only, and did not give change. We found that out the hard way.

Koro raced off to find a couple of sandwiches for some lunch, and to get some more coins. The sandwiches were easy, but the coins were not, as all the banks were closed for lunch. Luckily Koro managed to find a café that wasn’t too busy where he could ask for change.

Once our clothes were washed and dried we headed back to our hotel. We repacked all of our clean clothes, then decided to sit by the pool for the rest of the afternoon. The hotel had a nice pool although it was not heated. Koro had a swim, but it was too cold for Grandma.

We had a delicious meal at a local restaurant, then it was bedtime. Sorry, not a very exciting day.

Love to you all from Grandma & Koro and Lazy Bee. XXX OOO.

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