Special Update - Rick's Challenge

Sentiero degli Dei - Path of the Gods, 04.10.2018


Before leaving New Zealand, Koro had lunch with his mate, Rick Jansen. Rick issued a challenge to Koro - bring back a memento from Europe, which Rick would then have to return from whence it came. The terms were that the memento had to be sourced from a very cool location. Somewhere that was out of the way and would take Rick to a part of Europe that he might not have thought of visiting.

As we have been travelling, Koro has kept this challenge in the back of his mind. There were several mermaids at Cinque Terre that Koro thought Rick might appreciate, but he didn't think Rick would want to return them.

As we were walking Sentiero degli Dei, Grandma and Koro realised that this was an activity and a location we wish we could share. We want to bring everyone we know back here to walk this challenging track and share the incredible views and history of the area.

As we noted in our story, there is an easy way, and a hard way to walk Sentiero degli Dei. Grandma and Koro chose the hard way, walking all the way up from the village of Praiano rather than taking the bus, then walking the high road rather than the low road. Our reward was fewer people on the route we took, and spectacular views.

As we were walking along the high road we came across an abandoned house, which we explored. This is where Koro picked up an old roofing tile, which he thought would be the perfect memento for Rick.

Rick, we promise you, if you are able to walk the Sentiero degli Dei on a clear sunny day, you will be rewarded with an experience that you will always remember.

The Path:
We started in Praiano on the main road, SS163, Amalfi Drive, Next to a little grocery is the start of via Francesco Russo, which is marked as the start of Sentiero degli Dei. It is a zig zag path through the village, then it follows a mule track for the steep climb to the monastery, Santa Maria a Castro.

Shortly after the monastery there is a junction. Turn to the right, thus walking away from Positano for a short while. After some stone steps keep left and stay left. The higher trail is a bit rocky, but less up-and-down. To begin with it doesn't look like much or a hiking trail, more like a goat track (which it is).

After about 600m you will come to the abandoned building, and the home of the roofing tile. The roof of one of the rooms has collapsed, and the tile came from this room.

Carry on along the track all the way to Positano. Take you time, and enjoy.



The whole way we were walking back down the track, Grandma was saying, "Koro, this is too hard for Rick, you better tell him he needs to go to the gym and get a bit fitter first". You show her, Rick.

Get started right away!

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