Life During the Great Depression


I was talking to a friends today. She just recently was able to speak with her aunt who lives out in the west. Her aunts family are farmers and she told me all about the hardships they are facing right now. Actually, I should say the hardships they've been facing. What the world has been dealing with since the stock market crash, the farmers have been dealing with since the end of World War I. The prosperity of the twenties never reached the farmers because at the end of the war farmers continued to produce crops at the same rate as during the war. This caused overproduction. Because of the surplus, farmers were forced to cut their prices which means less income also. The farmers economy plummeted while everyone else prospered. Once the great depression occurred, farmers were thrust further into poverty. They sunk even deeper after the dust bowl. I feel so bad for them. I mean, we're all going through tough times, but farmers have it bad. Because of there immense poverty, foreclosures and evictions are often. Many who lost their homes came together to build little shanty towns. Her aunts family were one of the people to be kicked out of their home. They live in one of those shanty towns now. They call them Hoover towns. I wish there was a way for us to help them, but we can barely help ourselves.
- Mary Anne Smith
This picture shows children living in one of the shanty towns.
This is a picture of a home in Utah.
This a picture of a home in Vermont.

Notice the difference between a home in the north and a home in the west. This shows how farmers economy was vastly different from the rest of America in throughout the great depression.

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