Causes of the Great Depression


Christmas just recently passed and it was one void of presents. This economic downfall has given me a new perspective on life. This was the first Christmas I've ever experienced in which no gifts were exchanged. But even though presents weren't given and all our stress levels have been at all time highs, this Christmas was the closest we've ever been with one another. I hope everyone is able to see the bright side of this dark cloud that looms over all of us. Which I found out yesterday, that this economic crisis is in fact impacting all of us. Apparently leading up to the war, international trade was at an all time high. After the war, we (as in the US) decided to ask all the other countries for their loans back. Our government saw we weren't doing so well financially and hoped that we could increase our funds by getting back loans. Really all that we did was create a global economic plummet. I hope everyone else dealing with this is okay. I hope people aren't suffering because of this.
- Mary Anne Smith
This picture depicts a women obviously suffering from poverty. This is how many not just in America, but all over the world ended up.

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