Visiting all of these established schools has been enlightening. There is a moment or two every day when I wonder why I am here and maybe this ground work laying is not necessary. But it is and God continues to affirm me being here in big and small ways. There is so much to think about each day and really no time to do so. Either that or my mind is so overwhelmed with all the things to think about that I am paralyzed. Trying to have grace for myself as I do think that the reflection on things happens in the background at times, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and when I am able to form concrete thoughts is when it will be. It is what it is and like life in Liberia, nothing is hurried, nor can it be.
However, a couple of moments of clarity. One, Pastor initially said he wanted to build a K-12 grade schoool. That seemed like an enormous undertaking and perhaps out of our range at this time. To buy all the land, build all the school facilties with the money we have not yet raised! So our conversation turned to building in phases with
Jaye Dryden
17 chapters
9 Feb 2023
April 01, 2023
by Jaye in Monrovia
Visiting all of these established schools has been enlightening. There is a moment or two every day when I wonder why I am here and maybe this ground work laying is not necessary. But it is and God continues to affirm me being here in big and small ways. There is so much to think about each day and really no time to do so. Either that or my mind is so overwhelmed with all the things to think about that I am paralyzed. Trying to have grace for myself as I do think that the reflection on things happens in the background at times, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and when I am able to form concrete thoughts is when it will be. It is what it is and like life in Liberia, nothing is hurried, nor can it be.
However, a couple of moments of clarity. One, Pastor initially said he wanted to build a K-12 grade schoool. That seemed like an enormous undertaking and perhaps out of our range at this time. To buy all the land, build all the school facilties with the money we have not yet raised! So our conversation turned to building in phases with
secondary school still feeling completely impossible (God is laughing). But each school I have visited has done just this thing, built in phases, sometimes operating school under construction, growing little by little. And while we have been talking about this, I realize that Pastor Wesley was talking about K-12 in this context with this long range in mind. Much longer range than I. In my American, overachiever mind, I was like "I don't see how we can just produce a fully functioning school." And that would be disappointing to CMA. But nothing works like that here. Constantly, I am readjusting my mind set, learning new ways my mind works like the American I am. All of these schools were piecemealed together. However, you can't really tell from the "finished" product. The buildings look unified. This might seem like a small revelation to the reader, but there was a lightbulb moment for me. And more to process on this about cross-cultural understanding (because I like to reflect on all these things).
To be totally honest, I got discouraged. Not about the magnitude of the task at hand, though I am sure that will happen plenty, but about trying to teach the children at CMA in the current context with the current lack of resources. There was a long moment of "why bother" when our teachers are not well equipped, there is no knowledge of the building blocks of learning, and the chalkboard has more than one big hole in it. Really, why bother? But then I watch these children, and I meet some families, and I think about what they would be doing otherwise. They'd be working, helping sell things on the street. This is better...some is better than none. Right? It makes me think of Paul Farmer, in the book about his work in Haiti, Mountains Beyond Mountains. He was criticized for offering (I can't remember exactly) 18th century medicine. And his response was something like well, they were operating with 15th century medicine up until now. What are we to do? It is not possible to drop a fully functioning K-12 building in the middle of Liberia.
Those are my rambling thoughts for the moment. Today is a down day for me and the first full day that Eddie and Greta are in country! Eddie's face is LIT up!
Please pray with us:
*Continued relationship building. Often times, it is just being
*Pastor Wesley's truck - ongoing mechanical issues
*Holy Week - that we all take time to reflect on what this time means and rejoice in the good news to come!
*Rest and peace regarding Jamal's passport/citizenship process and clarity of next steps
Covenant International: A "brief" history
Arrived! (Well, Jaye has)
My (Jaye's) first event filled day
Scoping out the land
First Family Visit
School visits Part I
School Visits Part II
Coming into focus....slowly
Returning to Liberia after 5 years
Processing together
More reflections
Only a week remaining
Being present
It's personal
Intention in all the areas
My head, heart, emotions are spinning
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