We want to thank each of you for your trust in us and for your support to this great work that Lord is leading us into, Many of you made have heard or know how difficult it has been for us to connect together as team, andthat did not happen for a year until this spring. We're very excited to connect with our CMA team here in Liberia. Jaye explained on how we meet and were able come together with the idea of establishing a non-profit. Over the year we have been able to make some progress to our non-profit which Jaye had been able to update everyone about.
Greta and I are over joy to back to connect with families, friends and offcourse our great CMA team. After being away for so many years, I am feeling disconnected and between two cultures. Some times communicating with family and friends seem like challenging but through it all, I feel challenged to learn more. After a few communications with families and friends, it has helped me understand the need to work on myself to fit into the culture rather than thinking it's the fault of the person that I am connecting with.
Our first meeting
Jaye Dryden
17 chapters
9 Feb 2023
April 04, 2023
Written by Eddie in Rehab
We want to thank each of you for your trust in us and for your support to this great work that Lord is leading us into, Many of you made have heard or know how difficult it has been for us to connect together as team, andthat did not happen for a year until this spring. We're very excited to connect with our CMA team here in Liberia. Jaye explained on how we meet and were able come together with the idea of establishing a non-profit. Over the year we have been able to make some progress to our non-profit which Jaye had been able to update everyone about.
Greta and I are over joy to back to connect with families, friends and offcourse our great CMA team. After being away for so many years, I am feeling disconnected and between two cultures. Some times communicating with family and friends seem like challenging but through it all, I feel challenged to learn more. After a few communications with families and friends, it has helped me understand the need to work on myself to fit into the culture rather than thinking it's the fault of the person that I am connecting with.
Our first meeting
together with our local partner was held on Monday. We had opportunity to hear the heart of thses people and was really amazing to hear what each of these people had to say. They have a loving and caring heart for their community and for the kids. We have seen the great work of these leaders through the kids by performance and attitude.
Covenant International: A "brief" history
Arrived! (Well, Jaye has)
My (Jaye's) first event filled day
Scoping out the land
First Family Visit
School visits Part I
School Visits Part II
Coming into focus....slowly
Returning to Liberia after 5 years
Processing together
More reflections
Only a week remaining
Being present
It's personal
Intention in all the areas
My head, heart, emotions are spinning
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