Covenant International: Our first trip as an NGO

I am here! Arrived last night on a delayed flight and arrived at the guest house after a long drive in construction in the dark, with no street lights. But the sweetest thing was I was greeted at the airport by the whole Wesley family, Hawa, Pastor, Wede, Bishop and Ruth. And Pastor's friend Vman. We talked quite a bit on the ride and sometimes I had to lean back to hear what was being said. Every time I tipped my head back, Ruth would run her fingers through my hair. It is an ongoing joke that I have baby doll hair. Everyone is so fascinated by the blond yes, but I think wispiness of it is more intriguing.
It's hot but I learned a couple of lessons from last time so I wasn't quite so miserable. AND I did not have to go through COVID testing upon landing, which was wonderful. I am staying at the same compound but a different guest house. The breeze blows directly in through the windows and sitting on the patio, my sheen of sweat

Jaye Dryden

17 chapters

9 Feb 2023

Arrived! (Well, Jaye has)

March 23, 2023



I am here! Arrived last night on a delayed flight and arrived at the guest house after a long drive in construction in the dark, with no street lights. But the sweetest thing was I was greeted at the airport by the whole Wesley family, Hawa, Pastor, Wede, Bishop and Ruth. And Pastor's friend Vman. We talked quite a bit on the ride and sometimes I had to lean back to hear what was being said. Every time I tipped my head back, Ruth would run her fingers through my hair. It is an ongoing joke that I have baby doll hair. Everyone is so fascinated by the blond yes, but I think wispiness of it is more intriguing.
It's hot but I learned a couple of lessons from last time so I wasn't quite so miserable. AND I did not have to go through COVID testing upon landing, which was wonderful. I am staying at the same compound but a different guest house. The breeze blows directly in through the windows and sitting on the patio, my sheen of sweat

makes the breeze actually cool!
I, I am so blessed. On long travels days like I just had, about halfway through I begin to question my sanity, the worthiness of the trip, and swearing I won't do it again for two years at least. Exhaustion overriding everything else in my mind. And when I land in Liberia and step off the plane, it is familiar and my heart is instantly filled with gratitude and joy to be here. I love the smell and I am not sure how to describe it. Smoky somehow; not campfire but so wonderful - maybe it just triggers good memories. Deep inhales of gratitude and exhales of weariness. I am in my LIberian home and my friends are waiting for me. And Greta and Eddie will be here in just over a week. I am surrounded by more love and care than I can explain.
God is that good. He knows our hearts and He certainly knows mine. I am so thankful to be here again after such a short time after my last visit. Isaiah 43:18-19 has been my passage for the last year and a half and it resonates as strongly today as it did when I first "discovered" it. But more on that later.
Please pray with us!
*Jamal's passport - pray that everything will happen in hours not days in order that the Wamahs can come to Liberia for the first time as a

family. Peace and rest for Greta and Eddie.
*Adjustment to time change
*Wisdom, discernment, and endurance for the work ahead
*For our Liberian friends

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