The first experiances in the city

Arusha centrum, Tanzania, 15.02.2020

The second whole day here, this was a little better then the first day. I didn’t wrote this but yesterday we had quite a cultur shock... Today we went to the centrum and this time to the market, this was amazing! The most beautifull fruit and vegetables were everywhere. It is quite a chaos but luckely we have Ellen to teach us how to bargen with the local people at the market.

When we were walking trough a little street in the market I wanted to take a picture… everyone takes pictures, we take pictures of the local people and the streets but they also like to take pictures of us and sometimes film us! We are really a bezingswaardigheid here. But about the picture i wanted to take… as I told you I was walking with my phone when i wanted to take a picture of the street. A woman who was selling some fruit didn’t liked that I was making that picture. So she started screeming and hitting my on my leg and before I knew it all the woman in the street where screeming at me! I really didn’t know what to do and what I did wrong so everything I could say was sorry, sorry and the other girls and I didn’t know how fast we coud get out of the street.
Looking back tot his ‘situation’ we can all laugh about it but at the moment, they scared the hell out of me!

We also made a stopover at the supermarket, this was quite a luxe supermarket. How cheap everything was at the market, so expensive where most things in the supermarket. Here I’ve got some examples for you. At the market a mango (the very best i ever tasted!) is 20 cents for a little one, and 40 cents for a big one. Our final meal costed 80 cents per person. But in the big supermarket a package of 200 grams feta cheese is 10 euros, I really didn’t know what i saw. Also oreo’s are 5 euros, the same as wasa crackers.

So my conclusion is that you can live really, really cheep in Africa, but you have to adjust, because if you want to eat the same stuff as you do in holland, it’s going to be a really expensive time here.
when we got home we cooked our first meal! We decided to cook vegeterian, this was sweet potato with vegetables from the oven.

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