I will arrive in Osaka after leaving Canada. This flight will take 13 hours, but I’ll be in Osaka around 8:30 pm- just in time catch the famous sights of the Dotonbori area at night. I’ll stay out late eating at the vendors that line the streets, looking in the unique shops, and listening to the music here. I’ll be sure to stop by the famous running man sign. Then I’ll retire to my hotel, the ANA Crowne Plaza Osaka.
november 25, 2015
I will arrive in Osaka after leaving Canada. This flight will take 13 hours, but I’ll be in Osaka around 8:30 pm- just in time catch the famous sights of the Dotonbori area at night. I’ll stay out late eating at the vendors that line the streets, looking in the unique shops, and listening to the music here. I’ll be sure to stop by the famous running man sign. Then I’ll retire to my hotel, the ANA Crowne Plaza Osaka.
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