First in Tokyo I’ll be visiting the Akihabara district, also known as Electric Town. Here I can go to all sorts of shops and look for computers, phones, and other electronic devices. There are many restaurants and food booths scattered around Akihabara too. I am also really looking forward to the game stores here. I’d love to buy some cool video games. Another thing I’m excited to see is all the arcades. I’ve always loved arcades and there’s no better place to visit one than in Electric Town. After that I’ll go to the Ginza neighborhood. Ginza is known for its colorful nightlife and great food, Here I’ll eat at Umegaoka Sushino Midori Ginza. Umegaoka is known for it’s authentic Japanese cuisine and delicious sushi. They have an array of cooked and raw foods to suit anyone. After dinner and exploring Ginza, I’ll head back to my hotel.
november 26, 2015
First in Tokyo I’ll be visiting the Akihabara district, also known as Electric Town. Here I can go to all sorts of shops and look for computers, phones, and other electronic devices. There are many restaurants and food booths scattered around Akihabara too. I am also really looking forward to the game stores here. I’d love to buy some cool video games. Another thing I’m excited to see is all the arcades. I’ve always loved arcades and there’s no better place to visit one than in Electric Town. After that I’ll go to the Ginza neighborhood. Ginza is known for its colorful nightlife and great food, Here I’ll eat at Umegaoka Sushino Midori Ginza. Umegaoka is known for it’s authentic Japanese cuisine and delicious sushi. They have an array of cooked and raw foods to suit anyone. After dinner and exploring Ginza, I’ll head back to my hotel.
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