Today I’ll be at Universal Studios Japan. I’ve been to the Universal Studios in Florida several times now, and I absolutely love the park. I am really looking forward to the Spiderman, Jurassic Park, Terminator, and Harry Potter rides. I will spend all day here and eat lunch here. After leaving the park, I’ll go to Kuma Kafe, a small but award-winning restaurant. After that I’ll head back to my hotel room and prepare for my flight to Tokyo.
november 25, 2015
Today I’ll be at Universal Studios Japan. I’ve been to the Universal Studios in Florida several times now, and I absolutely love the park. I am really looking forward to the Spiderman, Jurassic Park, Terminator, and Harry Potter rides. I will spend all day here and eat lunch here. After leaving the park, I’ll go to Kuma Kafe, a small but award-winning restaurant. After that I’ll head back to my hotel room and prepare for my flight to Tokyo.
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