Gap of Dunloe

Killarney, Ireland, 03.19.2018

Monday, March 19

Breakfast at the hotel, then we headed back into Killarney to check out a few shops by day. Many were closed for the holiday and we decided to head out to the Gap of Dunloe, recommended by books and our ice cream guy, Sam...who had 20 probably 22 years or age...I am skeptical.

The 40 kilometer ride took more than an hour (did I mention the roads are tiny, curvy and hilly?) When arriving, there were horse and buggies that were waiting on a large party, but worked it out to carry us to the Gap. The guys rode in one and the gals in another. Our driver pointed out things to us, but it was hard to discern much of what he said due to the horse noise, wind noise and a thick Irish lilt.

It was full of beautiful scenery and we took some time to get lots of pics of the mountains, one another, and goats and sheep. We also checked out an old abandoned Army barracks and checkpoint. Best I could find in research is that it was built around 1830 and kept in operation until around 1920.

"This was Mulgrave RIC Barracks. It was situated on a strategically important road across the mountains and importantly helped guard the Muckross estate (against poachers etc). It existed as an occupied barracks certainly until 1917 and was probably evacuated in early 1920 (and certainly 'temporarily discontinued' by January 1921); when IRA tactics were to target the small number of men in isolated barracks. The police then withdrew to the safety of larger barracks in the main towns; abandoning large areas of the countryside to the rebels. It was probably burnt or ruined during this period to prevent its re-occupation."

Amy decided to dip her toes in the water because she is crazy like that, and I love her for it!!!

We trudged back the 2 ½ miles back to the van. It was a refreshing and lovely walk full of great sites, many, many sheep, goats and discussion about some of Kelly and my gaming exploits and characters. :)

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