Medieval Museum

Waterford, 03.22.2018

There was so much to see in the Medieval Museum that I am choosing to put more pictures in and do less writing. Part of that is because it's nearly a year after we were there as I write and I just don't remember it all! There was a ton of stuff in there of different crafting, arts, relics and the like.

The coolest story that I recall while there was the "Cloth of Gold Vestments" which are the only existing full set in Northern Europe. They were crafted in the 1460's and then buried in a secret foundation stone to keep them safe from Cromwell's invasion in 1650. They were rediscovered 123 years after when the old Cathedral they were hidden in was to be demolished and were gifted by the Church of Ireland bishop to his Catholic counterpart. The craftsmanship, using silk and gold is exquisite and amazing to behold and the fact they've held up so well is hard to believe. Motifs of different Biblical stories are found artistically rendered throughout the different sets.

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