Plant with Purpose Tanzania

Moshi, Tanzania, 05.29.2023

In 2019, we had the opportunity to travel with a group from First Presbyterian FC to the Dominican Republic to learn about the work of Plant with Purpose, a non-profit organization long supported by FPC that works to "reverse deforestation and poverty around the world by transforming the lives of the rural poor" through environmental restoration, economic empowerment, and spiritual renewal. Our visit to the DR was amazing, to say the least, as we witnessed first hand the powerful and long-lasting impact that Plant with Purpose achieves through its strategic and faithful work. Some of the practical ways that they accomplish these goals include: reforestation which prevents soil erosion, growing crops in sustainable and organic ways that both feed local families and provide cash crop income, teaching economic savings principles in a communal setting that increases family net worth and directs income to meet long-term goals (breaking cycles of poverty) and offering a spiritual foundation that, amazingly, welcomes and nurtures people across all denominational and traditional boundaries.

With this in mind, we were eager to see the same model at work in another country and had the privilege of spending a day with the staff of Floresta (the original name of Plant with Purpose) in Moshi, Tanzania (the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro). Although they have only been working here since 2004, they have already grown to have a huge impact in this region as they are currently working in eight watersheds and with 200 churches, 8 mosques, 150 schools and over 15,000 farmers (who are the direct beneficiaries, a number which doesn't include the many others who are positively impacted by their work through their partnerships with faith communities and schools). 12,000 farmers, from that group, have also started their own economic/business initiatives further improving the lives of their families and communities. These participants are working collaboratively in 630 savings groups which provide a communal support, learning network and accountability to promote economic well-being and a communal fund that can make loans to cover emergency expenses for group members.

The Tanzania program now employs 181 staff and they are working hard to expand their work further west to Arusha, another region that is experiencing many of the same challenges that are being addressed in the Moshi/Kilimanjaro region.

Some of the specific highlights we heard from Tanzania's local staff include: teaching organic farming methods (using their livestock for manure for natural fertilizer), introducing bee keeping for pollination and honey (to sell), an incentive program of providing goats to advanced participants (which provide healthy milk and

the 'pay it forward' expectation of sharing future kids with others in the community), and a nutrition program, especially in the schools, teaching healthier models of eating and supporting gardens that provide fresh produce for students.

A testimony to the effectiveness of this locally empowered, community based model was a story shared with us by the staff. They told us that Tanzanian government officials who encounter their work are often surprised that their participants are so eager to join and remain in these programs "without being paid to do it." This speaks volumes to the thoughtful and sustainable way that Plant with Purpose listens to, equips and supports local people in ways that lead to their self-development, vitality and communal accountability and empowerment.

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