The family day festival is celebrated at Northfield School, Puertos del Lago, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is celebrated during the first weekends of march. This year it was celebrated on 12 march. There were students, parents, teachers and headmistresses.
The festival is celebrated with games and a lot of bouncers. In the family day raffles were sold as well as hamburgers, hot dogs, cakes, exc. The students wore the houses T-shirts.
My favourite part of the festival was when I met a friend and I played all day with her.
7 chapters
April 25, 2016
Northfield- Puertos
The family day festival is celebrated at Northfield School, Puertos del Lago, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is celebrated during the first weekends of march. This year it was celebrated on 12 march. There were students, parents, teachers and headmistresses.
The festival is celebrated with games and a lot of bouncers. In the family day raffles were sold as well as hamburgers, hot dogs, cakes, exc. The students wore the houses T-shirts.
My favourite part of the festival was when I met a friend and I played all day with her.
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