Travel journal prompts will help you write, create and store all your precious memories in one place. Those funny snippets of conversations on a crowded bus in Thailand. The feelings of exhilaration after leaping off a waterfall in Costa Rica. The way Paris feels on a summer evening.
Sometimes it can be hard to know where to get started when documenting your adventures. At Travel Diaries we’ve done the difficult part for you and come up with 80 of the best travel journals prompt ideas for 2024 that will have you excited to write all about your trip.

Photo: Thought Catalog/Unsplash
Getting started with travel journaling
Creating a travel journal isn’t always the easiest thing to do, especially if you are only just starting out. Physical journals can be bulky and take up valuable space in our already overstuffed backpacks. That's where it becomes way more efficient to keep an online diary.
Digital journals are a secure, convenient and creative way to keep your most precious moments alive. No more panicking over a misplaced notebook, no more worries about losing scribbles and scraps with sentimental value.
With so many different layouts to choose from on our Travel Diaries interactive app, you’ll feel like you are working on a real book, combining your stories with photos and maps that bring you right back into the heart of your trip. You can share your journal pages with family and friends and even upload keepsakes like train and plane tickets which will feature in your final book.
Every travelling experience is utterly unique and deserves to be remembered. Our online travel journals are printed into physical books that you can hold in your hand (and keep close to your heart) any time you want to be transported back into the sights and sounds of your adventures.

Photo: Mantas Hesthaven/Unsplash
What should I write about while I’m travelling?
They say the first step on any journey is the hardest, but it doesn’t have to be. The travel journal prompts we’ll share below will help get you in the mood and ready to write about your days on the road, beach, mountain or city. Don’t forget that your journal doesn’t need to read like a piece of classical literature. It’s your personality, inner voice and thoughts that matter most. Nobody expects you to be the next Shakespeare!
The best prompts will inspire you, help you to think more creatively and act as a guide for your feelings and experiences beyond a simple list of what you did that day.
Your journal should be as exciting and inspiring as the trip itself, so let’s get stuck into some of the ideas that you can use before, during and after your life-changing journey.

Photo: Erik Odiin/Unsplash
80 best travel journal prompts for your before your trip and beyond
Your trip starts the moment you decide to go on an adventure. The time spent planning what to pack, where to go, and how you feel about your upcoming journey is valuable and deserves a place in your journal. The following prompts are perfect for the planning and packing phase of your trip and will help you remember all those frantic and fantastic feelings leading up to your big adventure.
Best travel journal prompts for before you leave
- Why did I choose this destination? Is it a place I’ve been thinking about for a while or did I just put my finger on the world map?
- What am I most excited about?
- What do I expect from my travels? (Think about what you want to get out of the experience.
- Maybe it’s adventure or for personal growth)
- What do I hope will happen while you are away?
- Am I concerned or worried about anything?
- How do my friends and family feel about me taking this trip?
- How will I keep in touch with loved ones during my adventure?
- What do I most want to learn during my time away?
- What are my expectations for the trip, and how do I anticipate they might change? (Travelling plans often change so it’s important to stay flexible and prepared)
- What places am I most excited to explore in my chosen destination?
- What are the cultural aspects I’m curious about? (Think about the different ways people might live, the food, the music etc)
- How will I get involved in the local culture and connect with the people? (See if you can find any interesting events to attend)
- Is there any particular local food and drink I really want to try? (Red ant salad or huitlacoche, anyone?)
- Are there any difficulties or obstacles I think I might face and what will I do if they happen?
- Are there any items or essentials I MUST NOT forget to pack? (Don’t forget your toothbrush and a medical kit!)
- What have I decided to pack and why are those things important? (Do you really need your hairdryer?)
- Am I bringing books and podcasts with me?
- What has been the best and most exhilarating part about planning for this trip?
- Is there anything I absolutely HAVE to do on my trip? (Think about the things that excite you the most)
- How do I plan to document my time away? (Try using a combo of photos, sketches and writing)
- What are the activities and experiences I most want to prioritise?
- Are there any historical or significant landmarks I hope to visit, and what do I want to learn about them?
- What will stepping out of my comfort zone on the trip teach me? (The best stuff happens outside the zone of the familiar)
- Have I made a plan to manage my budget and finances? (This is SO important and will prevent you from getting stuck in the middle of nowhere without any money)
- What safety precautions do I need to keep in mind?
- How can I minimise my environmental impact while travelling?
- What souvenirs or mementos do I hope to bring back home, and why are they significant to me?
- How do I envision sharing my travel experiences with others when I get home?
Top tips for sharing your travel journal
1. One of the best ways you can share your experiences with others is with an online travel journal packed with your unique adventures, stories and photographs. Your memories and experiences will be safe forever in your own personalised travel memoir.
2. Our Travel Diaries app even lets you share pages with friends and family so you can involve them in your trip while you continue to broaden your horizons. You are in complete control of what you share and when.

Photo: Tommaso Pecchioli/Unsplash
Travel journal prompts for once you are on your travels
So you’ve packed your bags, ticked off your checklists, said your goodbyes and it’s time to head off on your trip. This is possibly the most exciting (and sometimes nerve wracking) part of any journey. There’s no turning back as you venture out to explore the world.
These are some of the best travel journal prompts to try out while you are out in the world:
- What was the very first thing I noticed when I arrived in this new place?
- What was my biggest high today?
- What was my biggest low? (It’s important to record the things that might seem insignificant)
- What did I do today? Where did I go? (you can do this in a bullet list to save time)
- What does it look, smell and sound like where I am at this moment?
- What did I buy today? Food? Souvenirs?
- What is a memorable interaction I had with a local resident or fellow traveller in the last few days? (Maybe you tried out some of your new language skills)
- Have I made any surprising discoveries today? (Got a family of centipedes under your bed? Just found out what it’s like being woken up by monkeys whooping?)
- Have there been any funny or unexpected moments that happened during my travels?
- What was the most unusual thing I ate and how would I describe it to someone who’s never tried it?
- How have my perceptions or expectations of this destination changed since arriving? (Is it everything you wanted it to be? Have you changed your mind?)
- Has anything challenged me today and if so how did I navigate it?
- What does being somewhere completely new feel like? Do I feel more free? Nervous? Excited?
- What have been the most awe inspiring moments over the past few days?
- What cultural traditions or customs have I observed and found intriguing?
- Reflect on the differences between my home culture and the one I’m currently immersed in.
- Write about a place I visited today that I’d love to come back to.
- What does the local landscape look like? What are the colours and shapes I see every day?
- Have my senses been awakened or heightened by my travels?
- Is there art in my area? Street art? Galleries? How do I respond to art here?
- What conversations have I had that have challenged or changed my perspective of the world?
- How is my experience shaping the way I feel about myself and my place in the world?
- Have I learned anything new about myself? (Have you found yourself to be more capable than you ever thought?)
- Is there anyone or anything I miss from home? (Home cooked food, family hugs, giggles with your bestie?)
- Write about a moment of solitude or introspection I experienced today. (Those moments alone can be some of the most profound.)
- Describe a historical site or monument I visited and its significance.
- What connections have I made with locals or other travellers? Am I more friendly and outgoing while I’m travelling?
- Have I visited anywhere that has exceeded my expectations?
- Are my travels influencing my future plans or goals? (Think about how might this trip change the trajectory of your life.)
- What local festivals or events have I attended? And what was the atmosphere like?
- Are the people I meet different from the people at home?
- What are my biggest hopes and aspirations for the rest of my trip?
- What new words have I learned?
Top tips for travel journal writing while away
1. When you sit down to write in your travel journal, find a nice spot where you can take the time you need to reflect on your experiences. Local cafes are a great place to write, and they’re also wonderful spots for people watching and observing local culture.
2. Don’t forget to keep your souvenirs and mementos like ticket stubs, timetables, stickers and concert tickets. You can upload them straight to a dedicated space in the Travel Diaries app and never have to worry about losing your precious memories again.

Photo: Colin Lloyd/Unsplash
Prompts for your travel journal writing when you get home
Even though you might not feel as inspired to write in your travel journal once you’ve returned from your epic explorations, it’s still a good idea to spend a bit of time reflecting.
You might have been somewhere so completely different to home. You might have been away for a long time. Writing down your thoughts and feelings about being back home can help you reintegrate with the people and places you’re familiar with.
The following ideas are some of the best travel journal prompts for when you return:
- As I reflect on the journey, what were the highlights and low points?
- How do I feel now I’m home? Are there any mixed emotions?
- Are there moments and memories from my experiences that I am still thinking about?
- How have my perspectives or beliefs been influenced or changed by my travels?
- Am I experiencing any reverse culture shock? What are the main differences I notice now that I’m home?
- How did my travels impact my daily routines or habits? Can I keep those changes when I’m home?
- What were the most life-enriching connections I made? Will I make the effort to stay close with these new people?
- Did I make any new discoveries about myself while I was away? Did my experiences help me to grow as a person?
- What are my favourite souvenirs, gifts or mementos I’ve brought back home with me?
- Did I learn any new skills or gain new knowledge while I was away? If so, what was it and how does it affect my life at home?
- What was my attitude like when I encountered touch situations and obstacles while I was away?
- In terms of experiencing a new culture, what was my biggest takeaway or insight?
- Has this particular trip changed any future travel plans I had made or given me new ideas for different destinations?
- What do I appreciate most about home since I’ve been away?
- Has my relationship to my home changed?
- Am I going to stay in contact with the people I met while travelling and if so, how?
- Are there unexpected ways my life has been impacted by this trip?
- Has this adventure changed or shaped my identity and worldview in any way?
- Have I noticed any challenges with readjusting to life back at home? And if so, how am I going to deal with them?
- Which parts of my travel experiences am I most excited to share with my family and friends?
- Am I experiencing any newfound creativity as a result of my travels?
- How can I keep the spirit of adventure alive in my daily life?
Top tips for travel journaling when you get home
1. A few days after you get home, write a letter to yourself and date it one year from now. Reflect on the impact your trip has had, what you’ve learned and how you’ve changed as a person. Send it to yourself and don’t read it until the date you’ve chosen the following year.
2. During your journal writing time, try and find a place that is outside of your home to write. Head to your local park or a library, you’ll find a much more headspace when you are out of the house.

Photo: Vitaly Gariev/Unsplash
Final reflections of travel journaling and the best travel journal prompts
Your travel journal is a place where you get to record the most incredible experiences of your life. But it doesn’t have to be all shiny and perfect, you want the real nitty-gritty stuff in there too. You know, the parts where you missed a bus and had to wait up all night for the next one. Or when you couldn’t wash your clothes for a week and had to walk around stanky! What about that time when you left your bag up a mountain? Or perhaps you ate something that didn’t sit so well?
No matter how weird or wonderful, every moment you experience is precious and important. Using a travel journal with prompts is something you’ll never regret. And, writing it all down with images uploaded into the online Travel Diaries app will ensure your memories stay as bright and colourful as the day they happened.

Photo: Solen Feyissa/Unsplash