Today we visiting the land we are in the process of purchasing. It is nearly ours, according to the team. The government offices shut down for two weeks over the holiday so we are waiting for the deed to be finalized. We sent the money at the end of November with some trepidation. Buying land in a developing nation where corruption is a bit rampant is nerve wracking! The good news is that the land owner is a member of the church and our team hired an attorney to assist with all the documents and process. Nevertheless, this process kept me awake some nights. If the process failed or things were not as they seemed, I did not know how or if we could recover from it and continue with the project.
Stepping onto the land brought so much excitement and encouragement! The land is about thirty minutes by car from where CMA is currently. There was a bit of an entourage with the three teachers, Pastor Wesley, Kelsie, James Kerkulah (our board member) and some of his friends and me. The leadership has already hired someone to clear the land of debris and tall grass. It looks great and I could feel the potential and the hope in just seeing it! The surrounding area is developed (lots of houses) and there are decent roads to access the land. There are no other schools near by so that is also good for CMA.
Jaye Dryden
13 chapters
1 Jan 2025
January 14, 2025
Today we visiting the land we are in the process of purchasing. It is nearly ours, according to the team. The government offices shut down for two weeks over the holiday so we are waiting for the deed to be finalized. We sent the money at the end of November with some trepidation. Buying land in a developing nation where corruption is a bit rampant is nerve wracking! The good news is that the land owner is a member of the church and our team hired an attorney to assist with all the documents and process. Nevertheless, this process kept me awake some nights. If the process failed or things were not as they seemed, I did not know how or if we could recover from it and continue with the project.
Stepping onto the land brought so much excitement and encouragement! The land is about thirty minutes by car from where CMA is currently. There was a bit of an entourage with the three teachers, Pastor Wesley, Kelsie, James Kerkulah (our board member) and some of his friends and me. The leadership has already hired someone to clear the land of debris and tall grass. It looks great and I could feel the potential and the hope in just seeing it! The surrounding area is developed (lots of houses) and there are decent roads to access the land. There are no other schools near by so that is also good for CMA.
Land ownership in Liberia is no small thing. As Pastor Wesley said, "the hardest part is done." Now the dreaming can become concrete plans. One of the teachers, Amelia, said she will relocate with the school so she can be right next to the property. I really cannot convey how much this land purchase will mean to so many. Even the students cheer for the land even though I am not sure many of them will actually attend school at the new location.
Over and over I am encouraged by our partners. Their hearts are so God-focused, so encouraging and genuine. They are a blessing to the kids they serve and I look forward to how God will through them and this property to bless the community - and hopefully generations to come!
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